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3 Benefits of Ductless Heating and Cooling in Scottsdale, AZ

Room with ductless unit

Homeowners in Scottsdale, AZ, have many options for dealing with the area’s scorching summers. Ductless AC systems are particularly attractive. Here are three benefits of installing a ductless heating and cooling system.

Zoning Capabilities

First and foremost, ductless mini-splits give you the power to divide your home into a series of distinct cooling zones, each of which may have different ideal temperatures and preprogrammed hours of operation. Typically, standard central AC systems don’t allow you to do this.

This excellent versatility is possible because, instead of a large network of ducts that distribute treated air around your home, ductless mini-splits use a series of air handlers. Each unit corresponds to one of your desired cooling zones and operates independently with its own thermostat.

High Energy Efficiency

Mini-splits’ streamlined design allows them to have considerable advantages over traditional air conditioning systems regarding energy efficiency. If you have a mini-split, you no longer have to worry about treated air escaping through duct leaks and adversely affecting your system’s ability to keep you cool.

To maintain these efficiency advantages, however, we strongly recommend that you provide the system with regular professional maintenance. You should do so at least once per year; twice a year is even better. Also, remember to clean the filters in each air handler every two weeks.

Whisper-Quiet Operation

Although most contemporary central HVAC systems should operate without making huge amounts of noise, some sounds will inevitably occur. For example, when the ducts expand, they may pop, and an air conditioner may make noise starting up. Ductless systems, by contrast, operate almost silently, contributing greatly to the tranquility of your home.

We hope you’ll consider bringing one of these impressive, compact systems into your home in Scottsdale, AZ, this summer. To learn more, call SMW Refrigeration & Heating and ask about our ductless heating and cooling services.

Image provided by iStock

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