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Am I Dealing With Polluted Indoor Air in Tempe, AZ?

Device To Eliminate Polluted Indoor Air

Indoor air pollution in Tempe, AZ, is something few homeowners consider. Let’s review some signs you have polluted indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home.

Unpleasant Odors

If your home has an unpleasant odor, that’s a strong indicator your air quality is suffering. A musty smell can mean you have microbial growth somewhere inside your home. Chemicals in items like paint or some cleaning products can cause a lingering odor.

Cigarette smoke is one of the biggest polluters and can linger in your air for days or even months. Smoke from a typical cigarette contains harmful chemicals, including carbon monoxide, ammonia and formaldehyde.

Lingering Allergy-Like Symptoms

Allergy symptoms include things like a runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes. If these symptoms disappear when you leave your home, that could mean your indoor air is the problem. You’ll likely notice them when dust, pollen or pet hair get into your indoor air.

Excessive Dust

It’s not uncommon to see dust inside a home. But if your home always quickly collects dust, it could be due to poor air filtration or lack of ventilation.

Your HVAC system’s air filter catches dust and other particles before they get into your air. The filter is a help, but it might not catch everything. You can do simple maintenance like changing a dirty air filter every two to three months and scheduling professional HVAC maintenance so a comfort specialist can check your system annually.

Lung Irritations and Illnesses

Constant coughing or wheezing while in your home can indicate polluted indoor air. Inhaling this air long term can harm your lungs and possibly worsen asthma and lung illnesses like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Indoor air pollution can make your home uncomfortable and potentially unsafe. Call SMW Refrigeration & Heating today and inquire about our indoor air quality services in Tempe, AZ.

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