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One Of The Single Best Ways To Save Money On Electric Bills

One of our customers bought a new Trane XR16 and have seen savings throughout this year compared to last year

One of our customers bought a new Trane XR16 and have seen savings throughout this year compared to last year 

One of the biggest causes to an expensive electric bill is the air conditioner, its the number one energy user in your home and if it’s old, needs repairs often, and is expensive then it’s probably time to replace. When getting a new AC unit, you will hear a lot about efficiency and wonder if a new system is actually going to save you money on the electric bill. We can definitely say yes and it’s thanks to modern air conditioner design which is taking efficiency to new heights, higher efficiency standards that manufacturers must meet, and accessories that can help save money on utilities.

First What is SEER?

SEER is an acronym for seasonal energy efficiency ratio, it tells you how efficient your air conditioner is, and it is measured by dividing the cooling output with the total electric energy input. In the United States, BTU or british thermal units is divided by watts per hour.

XV20i Trane
The efficient and variable speed communicating XV20i Trane pictured above

Modern Systems are More Efficient

The efficiency of new air conditioners is held to a higher SEER standard then older systems, new systems at least need to be a 14 SEER according to the 2015 Federal Regional Standards. Older air conditioners could be rated as low as 5 or 6 SEER and at the highest 10 SEER. If you were to get the bare minimum 14 SEER new unit and you had a 10 SEER, you can still expect to save about 25% on current energy cost. Modern AC units have better design, but the more expensive higher SEER units (along with a programmable thermostat) can communicate and have variable speed motors and compressors that can allocate how much energy to use. Also, homeowners can now have their systems zoned and control the comfort of each room under one central AC unit. The higher rated systems may cost more initially but will save money in the long run since they are very efficient and effective. Whether budget minded or want the best system around your going to save money with a new air conditioner.

We’ve done a Trane zoned air conditioning system install with high-efficiency systems.

How Our Trane Products Can Save You Money

We work with Trane air conditioners and products, they have top of the line equipment that is reliable, durable, and most importantly efficient so you can save money. To start off where Trane can save you money is their thermostats; they have a multitude of programmable thermostats, but the XL1050 is their best it works with communicating systems, can be scheduled for each day down to the hour, and works as the “efficient brain” for your system. They have several top of the line air conditioners but the 20 SEER rated XL20i has variable speed blower motors and two compressors, one that operates in mild weather and the second for when it’s hot out. The XL20i alongside a programmable thermostat will deliver a system that truly designates its energy usage to be as minimalistic as possible to make your home as comfortable as possible. Trane has an awesome lineup of equipment where you can take efficiency to a whole other level.
New Trane unit
The quiet, efficient, and variable speed XV18 Trane pictured above

Money Saving Testimonial

We bought a 25 year old home last year that had a very old AC system that was very inefficient and undersized for the house. SMW recommended placing a new Trane system at both ends of our home for optimal effectiveness, with each handler in the attic instead of on the ground floor. Their suggestions were terrific….the systems are quiet, properly cool down all areas of our home, and our SRP bills are down 60%!!! Scott and his crew were very professional, organized and clean, competitively priced and honest. I highly recommend SMW.
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