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Its Time To Start Thinking About Fall Maintenance

Its Time To Start Thinking About Fall Maintenance

Arizona has finally hit its peak fall season folks. With this comes skeletons, ghouls, monsters in the nights, and the scariest of them all: AC system failure. Yes, this statement to the average reader might leave you smirking, this potentially costly predicament is the real terror of the fall.

What Everyone Thinks

During these colder months, you may be misled to believe your air conditioning system is done until next Summer and you can sit back and relax. Anybody who has lived here long enough and slacked on this can understand this situation: You wake up with the sunrise, feel the slight chill of the Arizona Autumn, so you walk to your thermostat to raise the temperature up to get that nice, toasty atmosphere we all love; but nothing happens. You try turning the system on and off and try again with no luck. That moment of panic and anxiety sets in, so what do you do?

Solution: Routine Maintenance

The sad realization is, in this season and with the winter to come, your system has the same potential to break down as it does during summer. That’s why we always recommended scheduling biannual maintenance for your system during this “cooling off” period before winter begins. Here at SMW, we can check your cooling to see if the Summer has done any damage to your unit, and make sure your heating is in good shape for the colder days ahead. Once winter has come it might be too cold to check the cooling, so we recommend getting your second inspection of the year done in the fall time in October or November. Keep in mind sometimes the beginning of October can still be too hot to get the heat checked.

Why We Recommend it

Routine maintenance is recommended so you don’t end up going into the cold months only to find out you’ve had a major breakdown due to a lack of maintenance. Starting at just $39.95, one of our licensed, bonded and insured technicians can come to your home and make sure your system is in good condition from the summer to be able to handle the cold of the winter. Get in while you can because as it gets colder, we will only be able to check the heat, so call today to schedule your fall HVAC dual tune-up!

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