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Hand holding a tree and gold coins

Introduction: At SMW Refrigeration & Heating, we are excited to discuss significant advancements under the Inflation Reduction Act, signed by President Biden, which earmarks $391 billion for clean energy initiatives. These developments, including the HOMES

Indoor Air Quality

If the air in your Tempe, AZ, home isn’t clean, your family might deal with health problems related to allergies and asthma. Keep reading to discover four reasons to invest in your indoor air quality

Its Time To Start Thinking About Fall Maintenance

Arizona has finally hit its peak fall season folks. With this comes skeletons, ghouls, monsters in the nights, and the scariest of them all: AC system failure. Yes, this statement to the average reader might

The Top 3 Reasons A/C Units Fail in the Fall

As many people already know, Arizona is a place where it reaches 100 degrees for almost half the year and that itself can leave your unit strained after just a decade. However, there are more

Preventative Maintenance: Why You Should Replace Your Capacitor

Why You Should Replace Your Capacitor The capacitor is small but very powerful and is important for your AC unit to work properly. It’s like a battery, that swaps electrons between two conductive plates. Your

How Much Aeroseal Actually Seals Ducts

If you don’t know what Aeroseal is, its a revolutionary technology we offer that seals your ductwork from the inside. You should get it done if your home has poor airflow and high electric bills.

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